Woking Borough Council

Core Strategy Examination Documents

The following Documents were submitted in connection with the Examination of the Council's Core Strategy.

Hearing Sessions March/April 2012 - Final Programme (V18 updated 2 April 2012)

Planning Inspector Documents

ID/1: Core Strategy Examination: Briefing Note for Participants
ID/2: Agenda for Pre-Hearing Meeting
ID/3: Letter regarding Localism
ID/4: Draft Matters and Issues (V6 - updated 22 Feb 2012)
ID/5: Inspectors Note
ID/6: Notes of Pre-hearing Meeting (PHM) held 9 February 2012 (2pm)
ID/7: Agenda: Hearing Session 1, 20 March 2012
ID/8: Agenda: Hearing Session 2, 21 March 2012
ID/9: Agenda: Hearing Session 3, 22 March 2012
ID/10: Woking Neighbours and Duty to Cooperate
ID/11A: Agenda: Hearing Session 4, 3 April 2012 (updated 30 March 2012)
ID/12B: Agenda: Hearing Session 5, 4 April 2012 (updated 30 March 2012)
ID/13: Inspector Note RE Housing
ID/14: Inspector Note RE delineation of the town centre boundary

Letters regarding the Examination sent to those who made representations

Letter regarding NPPF and Planning Policy for traveller sites consultation

Letter from the Programme Officer regarding the Core Strategy Examination and Pre-Hearing Meeting
Letter from the Programme Officer regarding the note of the Pre-hearing Meeting

Woking Borough Council Documents

WBC/01 - Duty to Co-operate in relation to Planning of Sustainable Development
WBC/02 - Statement of how Woking Borough Council has addressed the requirements of Regulation 30
WBC/02 - Appendix 1: Regulation 30(d)(i): Bodies and persons invited to make representation under Regulation 25 and Appendix 2: Regulation 30(d)(ii): How bodies and persons were invited to make representations under Regulation 25

WBC/02 - Appendix 3 - Regulation 30(d)(iii): Summary of the main issues raised by the representations made pursuant to Regulation 25

WBC/02 - Appendix 4 - Regulation 30(d)(iv): How the representations made pursuant to Regulation 25 have been taken into account
WBC/02 - Appendix 5: How Woking Borough Council met the requirements of regulation 27 and Appendix 6: Public notice to meet the requirements of Regulation 34(2)(c)
WBC/03 - Procedural questions for the Core Strategy pre-hearing meeting
WBC/04 - List of Saved and Superseded Policies
WBC/05 - Covering letter from Woking BC to Inspector Seaman regarding Inspector Note (ID/5)
WBC/06 - Statement of Common Ground by Woking BC and SCC (Waste)

WBC/07 - Response to Inspector Note ID/5 - Heritage matters
WBC/08 - Topic Paper on the requirements of PPG17
WBC/09 - Woking Borough Council's approach to monitoring and delivery with particular emphasis on infrastructure delivery
WBC/10 - Statement of Common Ground by Woking BC and English Heritage
WBC/11 - How the policies of the Core Strategy link to the key objectives and the overall vision - Response to Inspector Note ID/5
WBC/11 Appendix 1 - Table showing the relationship between Core Strategy policies and its key objectives
WBC/12 - WBC response to Inspector's Matters and Issues - Hearings 1,2 and 3 - Matters 1-6
WBC/13 - WBC response to Inspector's Mattersand Issues - Hearings 4 and 5 - Matters 7-8
WBC/14 - Statement of Common Ground between Woking BC and the Environment Agency
WBC/15 - Statement of Common ground between Woking BC and Surrey CC - Transport Modelling Assessment
WBC/16 Minor and major modifications
WBC/17 Map showing SHLAA sites in the town centre
WBC/17A List of SHLAA sites in the town centre
WBC/18 WBC proposed mod to Fig 3 & Key Diagram
WBC/19 Extract from Woking Town District & Local Centres Study Pg 100
WBC/20 Emails from Neighbouring LPA's regarding Housing
WBC/21 - Moor Lane and Brookwood Farm statement
WBC/22 Transboundary & Cumulative Impacts Part 11 from Habitats Regulations Assessment
WBC/23 - Woking Town Centre price information
WBC/24 - Updated evidence of cost impacts of Code for Sustainable Homes
WBC/25 - Proposed modifications to the Core Strategy- Hearing 2 Environmental considerations 21 March 2012
WBC/26 - Proposed modifications to the Core Strategy- Hearing 3 Economic Development Transport and Infrastructure
WBC/27 - Further proposed modifications to the Core Strategy Hearing 3 Economic Development Transport and Infrastructure
WBC/28 - Statement of Common Ground - Woking Borough Council with the Burhill Group, Crest Nicholson, Martin Grant Homes, Taylor Wimpey & West Estates
WBC/29: Further proposed modifications to the Core Strategy: Hearing 1 Vision and Places (20 March 2012)
WBC/30: Further Proposed modifications to the Core Strategy: Hearing 2
WBC/31: Table showing Housing Target as a % of the SHMA
WBC/32: Housing target based on population projections
WBC/33: Small Sites estimate (extract from 2011 SHLAA and updated figures to 1 March 2012)
WBC/34: Woking BC Provisional Five Year Housing Land Supply Position Statement 2011/12
WBC/35: Density of dwelling completions
WBC/36: Updated Housing trajectory (to 1 Mar 12)
WBC/37: WBC Statement on the implications of the NPPF (updated 1 May 2012)
WBC/38: Table of All Modifications from Prior to and During the Core Strategy Examination
WBC/39: Proposed modification 163 Appendix 4
WBC/40: Appendix 5: Delivering and monitoring
WBC/41: Duty To Cooperate: Additional Information
WBC/42: Woking Borough Councils Statement on the Implications of the Planning Policy for Traveller Sites
WBC/43 (updated 11 May): Further proposed additional modifications to the Core Strategy Publication Document July 2011 - updated 11 May 2012
WBC44 - Woking Borough Councils response to Inspector Note ID/13
WBC/45 - Response to Inspectors Note ID/14 regarding the proposed Town Centre boundary
WBC/46: Further proposed modification to the Glossary
WBC/47 - Policy CS25 Presumption in favour of sustainable development
WBC/48 - Assessment of the necessity for a further SA and public consultation on the modifications proposed

Representations submitted during consultation on the Core Strategy Publication Document

Copy of all representations submitted during the consultation exercise for the Core Strategy Publication Document

Further written statements made in reponse to Inspector's Matters and Issues

Copy of all third party statements submitted in response to the Inspector's Indicative Matters and Issues

Further written statements made in response to to the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

Copy of all third part statements submitted in response to the NPPF.

Guidance from the Planning Inspectorate

Local Development Frameworks - Examining Development Plan Documents: Procedure Guidance