Woking Borough Council

Woking 2027

Welcome to the Woking 2027 website, where you can access information about how we are planning for the future of Woking Borough.

The 'Development Plan for Woking' tab on the left gives a comprehensive overview of Woking Borough's Local Development Documents (including the Core Strategy, Development Management Policies DPD and Site Allocations DPD), Supplementary Planning Documents and other guidance documents. The additional tabs on the left provide further details about a range of documents - including the research and evidence base upon which Local Development Documents are prepared - and processes, such as Neighbourhood Planning and the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Latest News

Draft Local List Consultation

The Council is consulting on its Draft List of Locally Listed Heritage Assets or 'Local List'. 

A Local List is a record of ‘non-designated’ heritage assets, which can include (though not limited to) buildings, structures and spaces. These are included in the List for their architectural and historical importance, though fall short of the criteria for statutory listing. The inclusion of these assets on the Local List affords them some protection through planning policy and the planning system.

The draft List, accompanying map and details for how to respond to the consultation are available to view on the Council’s main website at www.woking.gov.uk/local-list-consultation from Monday 21st October 2024. The consultation is open for 6 weeks. Comments can be made until 5pm on Monday 2nd December 2024.

2023 Review of the Core Strategy

Officers have undertaken a review of the Core Strategy (2012). The review was approved by Council at its meeting on Thursday 12 October 2023. Further information on the review can be found on this page.

Revised Climate Change SPD (now closed)

The Council released a revised (draft) Climate Change Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for public consultation between the 18th May and 30th June 2023. The draft SPD was revised following consultation and adopted by Woking Borough Council on 30 November 2023. This SPD replaces the previous version of the SPD, adopted in 2013. The SPD and other climate change guidance, such as the revised Sustainable Construction Checklists, can be read here

Revised Affordable Housing Delivery SPD (now closed)

The Council consulted on a revised version of its Affordable Housing Delivery Supplementary Planning Document (AHDSPD) from 21 November 2022 to 19 December 2022. The document was revised following consultation and adopted by Woking Borough Council on 30 March 2023. This replaces the previous version of the AHDSPD, which was adopted in 2014. The AHDSPD and accompanying documents can be read on this page.

Consultation on the Draft Town Centre Masterplan (now closed)

The Council consulted on a Draft Town Centre Masterplan, for a period of 12 weeks from 25 July 2022 to 17 October 2022. More information can be found here.

Adoption of Site Allocations DPD

At its meeting on Thursday 14 October 2021, Full Council adopted the Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) and it now forms part of the Development Plan for the area. The Site Allocations DPD supports the delivery of Woking Core Strategy, and allocates specific sites to meet needs for housing, employment, and infrastructure to cover the plan period to 2027. Visit the Site Allocations page for further details.

Adoption of three planning documents and an updated Infrastructure Delivery Plan

On 10 February 2022, the Council adopted a number of revised documents: the revised Statement of Community Involvement, the revised Outlook, Amenity, Privacy and Daylight Supplementary Planning Document, the revised Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas Avoidance Strategy, and the revised Infrastructure Delivery Plan. These documents can be found on the 'Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance' webpage, and the 'Research and Evidence Base' webpage.

Redesignation of Byfleet Residents' Neighbourhood Forum

On 2 December 2021, the Council approved the re-designation of Byfleet Residents' Neighbourhood Forum for a further five years, following public consultation. For more information and a link to the application, please see our Byfleet Neighbourhood Planning page.

Hybrid Working Information

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, the Planning Policy team now work on a hybrid basis between home and the office. We continue to provide planning policy advice to all our customers as efficiently as possible. Our preference is for queries to be sent by email to [email protected]. If you wish to call, please do so on 01483 743871. In all cases, we will try and respond to your query as soon as we can. Further information can be found on the Council's main website: www.woking.gov.uk/coronavirus