Woking Borough Council

Development Management Policies DPD

The Woking Development Management Policies DPD was adopted by the Council on 20 October 2016, and was subject to review in October 2021. The provisions of the DPD will be given full weight for the purposes of development management and other planning decisions.

The documents can be viewed by clicking on the following links:

The Council adopted the Development Management Policies DPD in October 2016, which contains detailed development management policies on various issues such as design and access, noise advertisements and shop fronts, specific leisure developments, residential extensions and tree protection. The main purpose of the DPD is to provide detailed policies to help determine day to day planning applications. This will facilitate the delivery of the Woking Core Strategy (2012). The policies of the DPD are areas of policy where further detail was needed beyond that contained in the Core Strategy. The DPD does not cover policy areas where principles for development are fully addressed by national or Core Strategy policies.

Review of the Development Management Policies DPD

The Development Management Policies DPD has been reviewed in accordance with the latest National Planning Policy Framework (2021), Planning Policy Guidance and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended). Officers have undertaken a thorough review in consultation with a range of local stakeholders and community groups, and have concluded that there is no immediate need to modify the DPD either in part or in whole. Consequently, the DPD continues to be considered up to date in providing the necessary detailed policy framework for managing development across the Borough. The reasons for arriving at this conclusion are set out in detail in the report available below, which were agreed by the Full Council at its meeting on Thursday 14 October 2021. 

Background information

Inspector's Report

The Council received the Inspector's Report to the DM Policies DPD Independent Examination on 1 August 2016.

Proposed Main Modifications Consultation

The Council previously consulted on the Proposed Main Modifications of the Development Management Policies DPD. These modifications are considered necessary in order to make the DPD legally compliant and or sound.

For information purposes only, the Council has also published a Schedule of Additional Modifications that will be incorporated into the DPD to enhance its quality.


The Council submitted its Development Management Policies DPD to the Secretary of State for Examination on 29 February 2016 and the documents sent can be found here. The Planning Inspectorate appointed an inspector to carry out the Examination and a Public Hearing was held on Tuesday 10 May 2016. Information relating to the Examination can be found here

Regulation 19 consultation

The consultation for the Development Management Policies DPD (Regulation 19) took place between 26 October 2015 and 7 December 2015 . The consultation documents can be found here

The Council has considered the representations received and has prepared a schedule of proposed modifications for the Inspector to consider. The DPD and associated documents have now been submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination.

Regulation 18 consultation

The Council sought views on the draft Development Management Policies DPD (Regulation 18), the supporting Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) between 19 February 2015 and 3 April 2015 (by 5.00pm).

The comments received and the issues raised were summarised, and modifications made to the proposed publication version (regulation 19) which was consulted on further in October to December 2015.

The consultation documents can be found here

Evidence base

To view the evidence base documents and Annual Monitoring Reports, please visit the Council's main website