Woking Borough Council

3.0 Spatial vision, objectives and strategy

The spatial vision of the Core Strategy paints a clear picture of where the community would like the Borough to be by 2027. It encapsulates the aspirations of the local community as expressed in the Surrey and Woking Sustainable Community Strategies. It is compatible with the visions set out in the Surrey and Woking Sustainable Community Strategies and is fully endorsed by the Woking Partnership, which is the Local Strategic Partnership for the Borough. It provides a sense of focus and direction for the policies and proposals that form the path for delivering the Core Strategy. It enhances the strengths and opportunities that exist in the Borough and addresses its weaknesses and threats.

The preparation and delivery of the Core Strategy involved all service areas of the Council. The business managers and the Corporate Management Group have therefore signed up to the spatial vision and are committed to its delivery.

Spatial vision

Woking will be a Borough of high environmental quality and standards where people choose to live, work and visit, an exemplar in the achievement of sustainable growth.

Woking will be a regional focus of economic prosperity centred on a vibrant, enhanced town centre that provides a good range of quality shops, jobs, cultural facilities, services and infrastructure to cater for the Borough's needs, surrounded by distinct communities anchored by attractive district and local centres providing convenient access to everyday shops, services and local community facilities.

Woking is a sustainable community where the benefits of growth and prosperity are shared throughout the Borough without pockets of deprivation.

New housing in the Borough will be well designed to respect the character of the area and meet the needs of all sections of the community.

A green Borough where people will have easy access to good quality green spaces and infrastructure for recreation and leisure.

The Borough will have a balanced and sustainable multi modal transport system that links homes, jobs and key services and by doing so improves the overall health and well-being of all residents.

To deliver the vision, the following clear and deliverable objectives are set in no particular priority order. These objectives will ensure that policies and proposals that flow from them are specific to the delivery of the overall vision. They also have a direct bearing in tackling the threats and weaknesses that exist in the Borough.

  1. To provide a diverse range of development such as offices, housing, shops, leisure and cultural facilities in Woking Town Centre to enable its status as a centre of regional significance to be maintained. Development will be of high quality and high density to create an attractive environment for people to live, do business and visit.

  2. To enable an attractive and sustainable development of the district and local centres to provide convenient access to everyday shops and local services, local community facilities, parks and open spaces.

  3. To provide well designed homes of different types, tenures and affordability to meet the needs of all sections of the community. This will be at sustainable locations and at densities that maximise the efficient use of urban land without compromising the distinctive character of the local area.

  4. To protect the integrity of the Green Belt and to harness its recreational benefits for the community.

  5. To enable a buoyant local economy with good quality offices, business parks and industrial areas, which meet the needs of modern business. This will mainly be encouraged in major business and industrial areas, Woking Town Centre and West Byfleet District Centre.

  6. To lead the way in high quality sustainable development that minimises the adverse impacts of climate change. This will be achieved through maximising opportunities for implementing renewable energy technologies, maximising the efficient use of energy and water in buildings and managing waste effectively.

  7. To maintain and improve air and water quality and manage effectively the impacts of noise and light pollution.

  8. To encourage the high quality design of buildings, neighbourhoods and the public realm that creates a sense of place where people feel safe to spend time and interact without fear of crime.

  9. To ensure that the provision of community infrastructure, including key services and facilities, keeps pace with growth of the Borough. This will include schools, healthcare, water supply, drainage and flood alleviation, leisure, green infrastructure and community facilities.

  10. To work in partnership with Surrey County Council and other stakeholders with an interest in transport provision to deliver a transport system that enables people to access key services, facilities and jobs by all relevant modes of travel. In particular, by encouraging the use of public transport and creating a safe environment for people to walk and cycle to the town, district and local centres.

  11. To provide an integrated and effective transport interchange that has an improved Woking Railway Station as a focus.

  12. To preserve and enhance the cultural, historic, biodiversity and geodiversity features of the Borough and make them accessible to the benefit of residents.

  13. To significantly reduce both absolute and relative deprivation in Sheerwater, Maybury and the Lakeview Estate in Goldsworth Park.

Policy CS1 A spatial strategy for Woking
Sets out the overall strategy for the whole Borough including how many houses are needed and how much employment and retail floorspace is required.