Woking Borough Council

5.0 Borough wide policies

This Core Strategy Publication Document contains a number of policies that will be applied across the Borough.

Policy CS6 Green Belt

Defines the two major developed sites which are already subject to significant development and the policy for protecting and maintaining the Green Belt.

Policy CS7 Biodiversity and nature conservation

Sets out how areas with special environmental designations will be protected.

Policy CS8 Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area

Sets out how the SPA will be protected.

Policy CS9 Flooding

Sets out how the Council will determine planning applications to ensure new development is located in areas of low flood risk.

Policy CS10 Housing provision and distribution

The amount, broad locations and density of new housing development that will be delivered.

Policy CS11 Housing mix

Sets out the mix of dwelling types and sizes needed to meet local needs and to create sustainable and balanced communities.

Policy CS12 Affordable housing

Sets out the thresholds and percentage of affordable units which will be required on new development sites.

Policy CS13 Older people and vulnerable groups

Sets out how the Council will meet the specific accommodation needs of older people and other vulnerable groups.

Policy CS14 Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

Sets out how the Council will ensure the provision of sufficient suitable sites for the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople community.

Policy CS15 Sustainable economic development

Sets out how the Council will ensure that there is an appropriate quantity and range of employment land in the Borough to enable the local economy to function efficiently and contribute to the region's long-term competitiveness.

Policy CS16 Infrastructure delivery

Ensures that the necessary social, physical and green infrastructure is put in place to support the level of growth proposed and to serve Borough residents.

Policy CS17 Open space, green infrastructure, sport and recreation

Sets out how the Council will provide new, and protect existing, facilities and open space.

Policy CS18 Transport and accessibility

Sets out how the Council will work with partners to provide a sustainable transport system which connects people to jobs, services and community facilities.

Policy CS19 Social and community infrastructure

Explains how the Council will work with its partners to provide an accessible and sustainable social and community infrastructure to support growth in the Borough.

Policy CS20 Heritage and conservation

Sets out how the Council will ensure that new development respects and enhances the character of the Borough and the protection of buildings of heritage significance.

Policy CS21 Design

Provides guidance on how new development should make a positive contribution to its environment and strengthen the character and distinct identity of the area.

Policy CS22 Sustainable construction

Sets out the requirements for new development to ensure that it reduces energy use, reduces emissions and promotes the use of renewable energy.

Policy CS23 Renewable and low carbon energy

Focuses on the development of new renewable and low carbon energy generation.

Policy CS24 Woking's landscape and townscape

Sets out the requirements for new development to ensure that it brings positive benefits in terms of protecting the character of the local area.